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Dynamic redirect links

Premium Services | 3 minutes read | 3 years ago | 59 views

Dynamic redirect links

Instead of using multiple link shortening servers, you can only use the redirect link service and share them with your customers and audience so that they can be referred directly to another page by clicking on it. Use the redirect feature


These links are not displayed in your profile and will only be the interface between the user and the final destination page, but with this feature, you can not only share more beautiful, more reliable and shorter links with the audience but also complete statistics and Check the exact number of clicks and the geographical location of the browser and other very extensive data from the activity of your audience users after clicking on the link.


This feature allows you to create more dynamic links and without the need for your users or audience to visit your profile page, they can direct you to the page you like.


Instead of generalizing the link to display it in your profile, you can enter it directly to another page in the user panel, so you don't have to display the link in your profile, but users will click on it later. Directly and 302 will be directed to the destination page


If you want to share one of your profile links separately with your friends' or followers' subscribers' subscribers without them having to go to your profile page and be directed directly to the final destination, you must select the redirect option under each link with the icon. The following is displayed. Activate Redirect links can also be displayed in your profile. If you want Redirect links to be used only to refer users and are not visible in your profile, you must disable it.

Redirect links will not work until they are active. To generate a redirect link, the user must enter according to the following pattern.

Link title: Track

Link URL:

Your redirect link:


Redirect features can only be used for premium accounts, and if you need this feature, you must first upgrade your account to the premium, and then this option will be activated for you under each link.


All links in LyncMe have the ability to be tracked and reported, then if they are not even publicly displayed in your profile and you only use it for redirecting, you can also view the click-through reports and see its references in your user panel.

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