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How to better introduce your business on Instagram

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How to better introduce your business on Instagram

When starting a small business, you need to pay attention to all aspects of it so that you can run a sustainable #business. Advertising is the main part of any business so that it can introduce that business better and more to its audience. Introducing your jobs on Instagram is an exciting step in the life of any business! But there are a few tips and tricks that you should know in advance to be able to maximize the number of likes and #followers you can get from your first post.

When you want to show your first post as a business, you have to be careful so that you can get the desired amount of likes and attention. You're not quite sure what your first post should be, and you feel completely overwhelmed by it on social media. Even if you only have a few followers, you want to put strategy and care behind your first post. As you know, the average lifespan of an #Instagram post is 48 hours (which is not too long), so each post must be intentional and well thought out.

Now, in order to be successful in your first Instagram post, you must first follow a few steps, which we have explained to you here:

1. Choose a suitable profile picture
Before doing anything you need to make sure your account is set up properly. Although your profile picture is small, it should attract the attention of the audience first. Also, as a small element, it should represent your business. Know that whether you are a freelancer or a small business, you need a clear profile picture. you have. You can use a photo of yourself, or you can use your logo if there is no "face" of your business.

2. Add your important and essential information to the bio
Everyone who steps on your Instagram, after seeing your profile picture, the bio section attracts their attention. So it is very important to add the most important part of your business that you want to inform the audience to the bio section. Writing is an Instagram bio that helps new visitors to your account understand your business and brand. Your Instagram resume should be 150 characters or less, so make sure your resume is concise and accurate and at the same time reflects the purpose of the business.
In writing your biography, pay attention to the following points that your audience will say to themselves after reading it:
who is this?
Why should I follow them?
What are special or unique things about them?
What sets them apart from their competitors?
And have enough reasons to choose your brand and brand to follow.
And don't forget that you can also use emoticons in your Instagram #biography, this will help you to convey the #message without getting too many characters.

3. Create your initial post
Now that your Instagram profile is complete, it's officially time to prepare your post to introduce your jobs on Instagram!
The initial post plays an important role in the minds of your audience. You can send video or image. Whichever one you want to submit, you should try to display your business information correctly in addition to being #attractive, high-quality, and content-rich.
Your first post on #Instagram should be to your followers, the background of your business and how to help solve their problem (s). You can post anything from your store photo, a photo of yourself, a photo of your work or whatever you think.

4. Interact with your audience
Before you can introduce your business on Instagram, you need to interact with the people who follow you. If you have no followers, connect with people you think are interested in following you.
Interacting with your audience will make them more interested in your business in the first post. I recommend that you interact with potential followers for 30 minutes or more before introducing your business on Instagram with the first post. This is because when you post your first post, you attract users by clicking on your account who will probably like, comment or follow you more! Finding potential followers is incredibly simple! One way is that you can use tags that you think your business people are searching for on Instagram, in addition to publishing your post. This will make your post stand out from the crowd. Also, by categorizing the audience interested in your business, it causes you to consider the time of publication of your #posts. To have the most views in 48 hours.

5. Submit your photo or video
Now it's time to officially introduce your business on Instagram by sending your first post! Showing your business services and products in the form of video and photos will not only attract more attention of your #audience, but with the new features of Instagram, your video will be reel among thousands of viewers, and it is exactly your art to be able to write all your content in this video. Express it so that the audience will be fascinated by your business. Multiply this effect by adding a hashtag to your submitted video. To find hashtags for business on Instagram, I suggest you hashtags that you can eliminate low-performance hashtags so you do not waste your time with them is one of the best hashtags to use Tailwind. The Tailwind hashtag finder makes it extremely easy to find hashtags that really make your account attractive.

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